KIESELSTEIN is a historical world leader in the field of draw-peeling (shaving) of wire, relying on its own research and development centre to further develop a unique technology to remove wire surface defects, whether steel or non-ferrous.
SEQUEM and KIESELSTEIN GmbH inform you.
KIESELSTEIN offers a complete range:
SHAVING UNITS: all-in-one compact systems offering the complete shaving technology: calibrating and shaving dies, chip-breaker, chip disposal, cooling. This unit can be integrated into existing wire-drawing lines.
SHAVING LINES: including all auxiliary pay-off, straightening and coiling equipment.
SHAVING TOOLS: the shaving dies are state-of-the-art technology
KIESELSTEIN also has its own in-house shaving plant, offering the possibility to test your shaving application and provide samples for you. Should you require even more information, simply download the brochure here.
SEQUEM remains at your disposal for any inquiry. Contact our team at +33 3 28 80 55 60 or by e-mail at
After very positive feedback on the last NF (NON-FERROUS) WIRE FORUM ONLINE EVENT in October 2020, the consortium NF WIRE FORUM, of which NIEHOFF is a member, is pleased to invite you to a new online event on 11th May from 2:00 p.m. (UTC +01:00).
This event serves as a panel discussion platform to interact directly with our experts and to submit questions and comments about video presentations on the general topic of non-ferrous wire and conductors. For this purpose, the consortium NF WIRE FORUM established a YouTube channel which is already available!
On 1st May 2021, new video presentations will be uploaded to this channel, serving as the basis of the panel discussion scheduled for 11th May at 2:00 p.m. (UTC +01:00).
Please have a look at these presentations beforehand and send your input and questions by e-mail so that they can be included in the panel discussion.
But most importantly, remember to sign up for the event!
In deze tijden van crisis kan het moeilijk zijn om machines persoonlijk te presenteren, maar WAFIOS houdt van uitdagingen. Daarom organiseert WAFIOS volgende maand een online-evenement als vooruitblik op de Innovation Days die in september in de fabriek in Reutlingen zullen plaatsvinden..
Innovation Days_Online Event
Waar? Wanneer? Hoe?
Zoals de naam al zegt, online, van 03 tot 21 mei 2021, door rechtstreeks een afspraak te maken op de WAFIOS microsite voor dit evenement.
Selecteer gewoon de machine waarover u meer wilt weten uit de lijst en vul het juiste formulier in om een afspraak te maken. De afspraak moet ten minste 2 dagen van tevoren worden gemaakt. De door u gekozen machine wordt dan op zeer professionele wijze op afstand aan u voorgesteld in de vorm van een videoconferentie. Het is ook mogelijk zich in te schrijven voor een meer algemene presentatie over verschillende thema’s, de zogenaamde webinars, waarvan wij het programma hier reeds meedelen (onder ‘Lectures’ op de WAFIOS website).
SEQUEM, uw gesprekspartner
SEQUEM blijft tot uw beschikking voor elk verzoek of behoefte. Neem gewoon contact op met ons team op +33 3 28 80 55 60 ? of per e-mail op het adres of ga rechstreeks naar ons contactformulier door hieronder te klikken.
The best mechanical and metallurgical performances in compliance with the most restrictive standards of the market (e.g. API, CQI, AMS)
HICON® technology for the fastest cooling rates to reach the highest quality on the metallurgical structure during Isothermal Annealing / Solubilization
Lowering NOx emissions with state-of-the-art burners technology (up to 10 ppm Nox)
Your advantages:
Flexible and reliable solutions coming from more than 60 years of experience as global player of the market
Capital vs. Operational Expenses best balance
Short term Return of Investment
Do you want more information?
SEQUEM, EBNER’s agent in your country, stays at your disposal for any question or project analysis. Contact us!