Category Archives: Metaalband

HICON Journal

Twee keer per jaar geeft de EBNER Group een nummer van haar nieuwsbrief HICON uit: een gelegenheid om iets meer te weten over de EBNER Group en haar drie afzonderlijke entiteiten (EBNER, GAUTSCHI en HPI) die apparatuur voor de staal-, aluminium- en koperlegeringsindustrie aanbieden.

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Hoge kwaliteit = hoge klantentevredenheid
EBNER klok-gloeierij voor staaldraad

Nieuwe EBNER brandertechnologie combineert duurzaamheid en efficiëntie


Atmosphere Perfect Wire
Nieuw toebehoor voor 20% besparing op elektriciteit en waterstof


Alle oudere edities zijn direct beschikbaar op de website van de EBNER Groep.



Wilt u snel meer informatie?


SEQUEM, uw exclusieve EBNER en GAUTSCHI-agent, geeft u graag meer informatie.

Contactez notre équipe à l’adresse ou au +33 3 28 80 55 60.

In order to be able to offer customers the best quality as always, WOYWOD has developed, as part of the PLASTICOLOR range, its own ferromagnetic metal separators.

This equipment removes from the granules any metal particles that could damage the extruder.

The high-quality stainless steel housing is insensitive to corrosion and also offers very easy visual control thanks to the large sight glass.

The housing geometry was shaped by decades of experience in the plastics processing industry and thus guarantees a perfect material flow.

The separator can be cleaned very easily. Simply pull out the magnetic cassette and, without risk, pull the magnets out of the stripping sleeves outside the system. The metallic foreign objects are caught on the scraper rings when the magnets are pulled out and simply fall down. The separator is immediately ready for use again.

Thanks to all these advantages, WOYWOD offers you reliable and safe protection for your production machine!

The magnetic separator comes in three different sizes so that a suitable model is available for every production line. All models are suitable for granules and free-flowing powders. The magnetic separator can be installed between the intake of the processing machine and the machine hopper or on the existing dosing system.

As with all our other partners, we at SEQUEM are here to provide guidance and advice on investment projects for WOYWOD equipment. Feel free to contact our team for all your inquiries at +33 3 28 80 55 60 or by e-mail at


BC R – Bihler Control Retrofit

What is it?

The BC R package developed by BIHLER is the perfect solution to modernize the control system of your ageing machinery. This package includes a new control cabinet, a new drive as well as various state-of-the-art machine components that will bring your BIHLER machine up to date and address the troublesome obsolescence issues of electrical and electronic parts. This cost-effective upgrade also offers a speedy implementation: BIHLER service experts will retrofit the machine at your site to install the BC R control system. After approximately 4 months needed to prepare the necessary components, the conversion works by the BIHLER team on your premises usually only require 1 week. Should you wish to implement the retrofit yourself, BIHLER will be happy to support you by providing the adequate instructions.

Highlights at a glance:

  • Cost-effective and fast implementation
  • Short conversion time: approx. 1 week
  • Conversion conducted at your site, either by BIHLER experts or by your staff
  • Various options offered to meet your needs
  • Latest safety standards for machines and personnel
  • Higher machine availability and guaranteed spare parts support

For more details:

To ensure you benefit from all advantages of the BC R control system, the machine must be equipped with various new features. These are included in the basic package. In addition, you can select further optional new features. An overview of these options is available in this PDF documentsuivant : Bihler Retrofit Control.

The BC R solution is available for the following machines:

  • série RM : RM-30 / RM-35 / RM-40
  • série GRM : GRM-50 / GRM-80 / GRM-100
  • série Mach : Mach-1 / Mach-1/7 / Mach-05


You would like to modernize your equipment cost-efficiently? Please download and fill out this form and send it to SEQUEM to receive a detailed price offer. Feel free to call us at +33 3 28 80 55 62 or write to We will be happy to help!


News Flash: you are invited to visit BÜLTMANN

BÜLTMANN is pleased to invite you to discover one of its top efficient machines: the tube drawing system, type RZ 0060/02-9. It is equipped with a feed cradle, charging table, mandrel inserting device, internal tube lubrication and repeated charging of tubes.

Interested? SEQUEM will be happy to support you in developing your project! In the meantime, please note that this new double tube drawing machine will be exhibited at BÜLTMANN from March 2nd to April 3rd, 2020.

To find out more about this drawing machine, please read the information below:

Technical data

  • 2 tubes drawn simultaneously
  • Material: copper and copper alloys
  • Finished diameter: 4.0 – 11.0 mm
  • Wall thickness of drawn tube: 0.08 – 0.55 mm
  • Drawing force: 60 kN
  • Drive capacity: approx. 60 kW, AC motor

Special features and highlights

  • Fully automated equipment
  • High productivity, i.e. high output with only one operator
  • High availability and short changeover times
  • Short throughput time


You can write us an e-mail or call us at +33 (0)3 28 80 55 68.

SEQUEM is at your disposal for any additional information you may need.




BIHLER en EBNER wachten u op de EUROBLECH!

EUROBLECH, de internationale beurs gewijd aan de plaatbewerkingsindustrie, vindt plaats van 23 tot 26 oktober in Hannover. De bezoekers van deze tentoonstelling hebben de kans om een overzich te krijgen van de nieuwste technologische ontwikkelingen in plaatbewerking en vooral om nieuwe projecten te zien. Wederom nemen BIHLER en EBNER deel en zullen met genoegen innovatieve oplossingen voorstellen.

BIHLER toont 3 nieuwe gereedschappen: de lineaire LEANTOOL, de radiale LEANTOOL en de nieuwe lassturing B 20 K voor hoge prestaties. Dit modulair systeem voor lineaire buiggereedschappen biedt de zelfe voordelen als de radiale versie : extreem korte doorlooptijden, gereedschapkosten aanzienlijk lager en supersnelle time-to-market voor uw meest complexe onderdelen. Modulair ontwerp vermindert de montagetijd in sommige gevallen tot minder dan 30 minuten!

Met de radiale LEANTOOL is de productie van conventionele gesneden en gebogen delen en cilindrische onderdelen vooral winstgevend in kleine en middelgrote series. Het LEANTOOL modulaire systeem combineert hiervoor alle noodzakelijke stappen : nauwkeurige voorstelontwikkelingen, intelligent ontwerp, lichtgewicht gereedschap, zeer korte montagetijden en maximale productiesnelheden.

De nieuwe B 20 K lassturing voor hoge prestaties brengt alle proces-, meet-, en bewakingssystemen in één alles-in-één-regeling. De continu variabel lasfrequenties tussen 1000 en 20.000 Hz garanderen een meer dynamische en precieze regeling.

Het Oostenrijkse bedrijf EBNER Industrieofenbau GmbH zal op de beurs haar volledige assortiment van ovens presenteren voor hot stamping. Een brochure over deze producten kan door hier te klikken gedownload worden.

SEQUEM staat tot uw beschikking voor het verzenden van gratis tickets. Aarzel dan niet om contact op te nemen met ons team op Een lid van ons team zal aanwezig zijn om u te vergezellen. Vergeet niet om een afspraak te maken.


If change is the only constant in our lives,

then movement is a constant of progress.


Under the motto “70 years of EBNER in motion”, an expert symposium including high-caliber international speakers and presentations will take place from September 11 – 13, 2018 at EBNER’s Leonding works.

In this event a mutual exchange of ideas and visions will take place and the future and the past will meet.

Our theme will be the future challenges that will be faced by manufacturers in the steel, aluminum and copper base metal industries. The main focus, however, will be upon “Future trends in mobility”.


Virtually every one of our facilities supports the mobility sector in one form or another. For example, EBNER facilities throughout the globe fulfill more than 80 % of the demand for aluminum automobile body sheet. With facilities for hot forming, EBNER is also active in the production of high-strength steels for the automotive sector. Over the course of the event, future developments in the mobility sector will be illuminated throughout the entire value-added chain, from end users and OEMs to EBNER and its suppliers.


We would recommend that you attend the entire two-and-a-half days of the symposium, as the presentations build upon one another.  Alongside the expert symposium, there will of course be a program of activities for those accompanying you.

We also recommend that you register as soon as possible, as space is limited. Come celebrate 70 years of success with EBNER, and let us look to the future together! You can complete the registration form by following this link.


You can also download a preview of the program of the symposium here.

We would be delighted to inclued you among our guets and you be happy to answer any question regarding our program or the planning of your visit. Do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Leturgie or Mrs. Wagner for any further information.

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