WIRE & TUBE 2024: Meet excellence and innovation

  SEQUEM is happy to invite you to the WIRE & TUBE trade show, the most eagerly awaited event in the wire, cable and tube industries!   Who will be exhibiting? As the sole representative of several manufacturers in those industry sectors, SEQUEM will be present at the show to attend visitors with its partners, allread more

Frohe Festtage!

BlechExpo 2023 – let’s make an appointment!

BlechExpo 7 – 10 November 2023 📍 Stuttgart (GERMANY) As every two years, the BlechExpo trade fair will be held in Stuttgart, Germany. This not-to-be-missed event for sheet metal processing will run from 7 to 10 November 2023. WAFIOS AG and OTTO BIHLER GmbH  will be exhibiting. We are waiting for you! SEQUEM, in the person of Mr François SERVAES, will be attendingread more

BlechExpo 2023 – the not-to-be-missed event!

BlechExpo 7 – 10 November 2023 📍 Stuttgart (GERMANY) As every two years, the BlechExpo trade fair will be held in Stuttgart, Germany. This not-to-be-missed event for sheet metal processing will run from 7 to 10 November 2023. WAFIOS AG and OTTO BIHLER GmbH  will be exhibiting. During 4 days, you will get to discover the best equipment and servicesread more

B On Top 2022

SEQUEM has shortlisted for you a selection of articles from the latest issue of b on top, the yearly magazine of our partner BIHLER.       Linear machine LM 2000 Linear machine with cam or servo-driven slides, for the production of stamped and bent parts from strip material.           Bihlerread more

New BÜLTMANN machines visible on site!

Peeling machines and bar straightening machine SEQUEM informs you that new BÜLTMANN machines are visible in Neuenrade, Germany! – Until April: a peeling machine SH080                     peeling machine features SH080 – Until May 12: a peeling machine SH050                read more

WAFIOS Innovation Days

    WAFIOS Innovation Days 22 – 25 May 2023 in REUTLINGEN (GERMANY)   Once held in Wuppertal, this must-attend private event now takes place in the historical plant of Reutlingen. WAFIOS, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of wire-bending machines, will be showcasing a vast selection of machines including the latest developments.  

Frohe Festtage!

NIEHOFF Magazine ist online verfügbar! 3/2022

Die neue Ausgabe des NIEHOFF Magazine  ist nun verfügbar! Um das komplette Magazin online zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte unten: In dieser Ausgabe werden mehrere Themen behandelt. Keine Zeit, das ganze Magazin durchzulesen? Wir haben eine Auswahl für Sie zusammengestellt der Artikel, die Sie absolut lesen sollten! die NIEHOFF Verlitzmaschinen D 1252, D 1602 und D 2002read more

NIEHOFF Magazine ist online verfügbar! 2/2022

Die neue Ausgabe des NIEHOFF Magazine ist nun verfügbar! Um das komplette Magazin online zu lesen, klicken Sie bitte unten: In dieser Ausgabe werden mehrere Themen behandelt.  Keine Zeit, das ganze Magazin durchzulesen? Wir haben eine Auswahl für Sie zusammengestellt der Artikel, die Sie absolut lesen sollten! 25% Energieeinsparung & 60% höhere Produktionsleistung Nach derread more

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